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Trust Technique

The Trust Technique is a method of reducing an animal’s thinking levels to promote trust, connection, confidence and communication. Another way of saying “thinking levels” is “states of mind”. Applying the Trust Technique facilitates a process of letting go so that anxiety, fear, over-excitement, frustration and any other form of overthinking can reduce and dissipate. It’s like taking off the overthinking glasses (how the animal perceives the world) and replacing them with calm and peaceful glasses. Behaviour cued by overthinking is different from behaviour cued by calmness.
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Holistic Dog Coaching

- a new puppy
- adopting a rescue
- struggling with unwanted behaviour
- separation and other anxieties
- fear of thunder and other loud noises
- enchrichment & fun – teaching tricks
Get it right from the start – whether you are getting a new puppy or adopting a rescue. Having a session BEFORE your new dog arrives can make life so much easier. We cover many different areas (general and specific to you) so that you are prepared on all levels.
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Animal Hospice Care

What does natural dying look like? What are the needs of a dying pet? How can I care for my animal companion in the best possible way at the end of their life? What are the practical aspects of animal hospice care?
When searching for ‘animal hospice care’ on the internet you will come across a good number of websites. Many are centred around ‘When is it the right time?’, in other words, the timing of euthanasia. To me that’s about end of life care but not hospice. Hospice is about providing comfort care (including pain control if required) until natural death occurs. Euthanasia is available if needed – which mostly it is not.
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Trust Technique (cont.)
When an animal’s nervous system is in a dysregulated state, the Trust Technique teaches a practice that via co-regulation leads to self-regulation.
The Trust Technique is easy and simple to learn. Of course, it needs commitment to practicing and applying it. People usually find the practice very enjoyable and rewarding.
A really great and detailed introduction to the Trust Technique is the mini-course called Messages of Trust. It’s 90 minutes worth of video. Click here to start watching. Watching the Messages of Trust is a prerequisite for your first session with me.
Watch James French, founder of the Trust Technique, speak at TEDx.
The Trust Technique can also be learned via the self-paced online video course. Click here to find out more about it.
Holistic dog training (cont.)
Does life feel like a struggle with your dog? Are certain situations stressful? Are you at your wit’s end? Contact me or book a free 15-minute Zoom session to find out how I can help you.
Life with your dog is wonderful and you are looking for more fun? Our Tailented Tricks package is for you.
Mindfulness is key in your life and you’d like to learn a practice that includes your dog? Check out our Mindful Explorer package.
Animal hospice care (cont.)
Creating connections with like-minded people, especially if your pet is dying and under your hospice care, is essential. Family, friends and professionals that are not open to hospice care and unwilling to inform and educate themselves are a distraction and draining. When you are caring for a dying being, you don’t have the energy to defend yourself or trying to convince others. Taking things personal and creating a drama around ‘being misunderstood or not supported’ is not beneficial either. It helps to consciously create a bubble for you and your animal, to have a circle of people who share your understanding of dying.
As your guide, I share my own experiences, provide practical tips and links to valuable resources as well as hold a death positive space (where it’s not morbid or taboo to speak about death).
I invite you to read my blog articles on Animal Hospice Care to get a sense of who I am and what I have to offer to you and your animal, contact me or book a 20-minute free discovery Zoom call.