euthanasia pet

  • Animal hospice care: The Star Thrower
    Animal hospice care: The Star Thrower

    This is the story of Old Lady, one of the over 30 million Indian street dogs. How she was loved and cared for after being run over by a car until her peaceful death. How we can make a difference. Not only in a street dog’s life, but all animal’s life. Especially when their life…

  • Animal hospice care: vet support
    Animal hospice care: vet support

    Animal hospice care is an unknown concept to most vets. If you are considering accompanying the dying process of your pet when they have reached the end of their life, discuss this option with your vet to find out where they stand and if they are interested in educating themselves on the topic to be…

  • Animal hospice care: euthanasia
    Animal hospice care: euthanasia

    Dying is as much a part of living as being born. Most pets die by euthanasia. Is this because it’s always the kindest way or is it just a lack of education that animal hospice care is available, doable and preserves the dignity of the animal? Here is some food for thought on the topic…